England in the Reign of Elizabeth I

A new unit about England and her relationship with the world during the Reign of Elizabeth I. The Elizabethan era is one that is widely lauded as being a Golden Age. Here we look at the achievements, the struggles and the discoveries of that age. It’s written with the GCSE specification topics in mind. Other aspects, such as Shakespeare, will be covered at a later stage.

Elizabeth I in her Coronation Robes

Elizabethan England was a dangerous place. There were rebellions, religious changes and plots from home and abroad. Her court oversaw a population rise and tried to tackle the growing problem of poverty. Isolated politically due to religious differences the English faced threats from abroad. The most dangerous of these is now remembered as a great victory over the Spanish Armada.

The reign also saw problems relating to the succession to the throne. Unmarried and childless, the natural heir was Mary, Queen of Scots. Yet Mary was problematic. Not only had she been forced into exile from her own country but she was openly Catholic, pro-French and involved in plots to overthrow Elizabeth. Her end came on the executioners block.

The content of our new unit on Elizabethan England is as below. We welcome links to quality materials about the period and any corrections. With regards corrections… several prominent websites have errors on them relating to dates. While probably typos that haven’t been picked up when proofreading, they can be slightly misleading. Some are quite obviously wrong: one dates an Elizabethan agreement as 1985. With that in mind extra effort has gone into checking such information for this unit.

Elizabethan Era - Homepage

England in 1588: Society and GovernmentReligious SettlementChallenges to Elizabethan Religious Settlement
Mary, Queen of ScotsPlots and Rebellions in the Elizabethan AgeAnglo-Spanish Relations in the Elizabethan Age
Spanish ArmadaEducation, Culture and LeisureElizabethan Poor Law
Voyages of DiscoverySir Walter Raleigh and the Virginia Colony

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