Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33
Source material relating to Hitler’s Rise to Power. From 1919 to 1933 the Nazi Party rose from being a new and insignificant party in Bavaria to being in power in Germany. The extraordinary rise of the Nazi’s is well documented in source material from the period and is an important part of many GCSE and A-Level specifications.

Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33: Source Material
Source: Hitler, on Anti-Semitism. September 1919
The earliest known record of Hitler’s views on Anti-Semitism.
Source: 25 points: The Program of the German Workers Party
Written by Anton Drexler and Adolf Hitler this is an early manifesto for the German Workers Party, later known as the NSDAP (Nazi) Party.
Source: Karl Alexander von Müller on the Munich Putsch
Description of the Munich Putsch.
Source: Hitler on Trial in 1924
Hitler gained some notoriety and sympathy whilst on trial. This source illustrates how he made use of the trial as a platform to get his views to the people.
Source: Report on an NSDAP Rally held in Berlin in 1927
Intriguing report that shows how force and coercion were combined to get a message across.
Source: Goebbels, “Why we are enemies of the Jews” July 30, 1928
Goebbels explaining the reasons why the Nazi Party were anti-semitic.
Source: Prussian Interior Ministry Report on Nazi Methods in Berlin (1930)
The authorities were wary of the rise of the Nazi’s. This report shows how seriously they took the matter and is a good description of the methods deployed to garner support.
Source: Hans Harmsen, “Contemporary Questions of Eugenics” (1931)
Eugenics was a major part of policies once the Nazi were in power. They were influenced by arguments such as this.
Source: Hitler Rejects Hindenburg’s Offer of a Conference (November 24, 1932)
Hitler was approached about joining a right-wing coalition on more than one occasion. His strategy was to accept nothing except the Chancellorship.
Related Links
Source Material for Classroom Use – see all of our Source Banks here – Germany 1919-39 Source Material
Sources: The Weimar Republic 1918–29 – Sources: Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33 – Sources: Nazi control and dictatorship, 1933–39 – Sources: Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–39
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