The Beltane Blessing

Beltane is a Celtic festival. It marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and summer solstice. The Beltane celebrations continue to this day, especially in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Beltane is celebrated on 1st May. It marks the beginning of Summer and is linked to seasonal changes in farming. Cattle are driven out to summer pastures. Bonfires are lit with some people jumping over the flames of the smaller Beltane flames. Historically each household fire would be doused and relit using a flame from a Beltane fire. The ashes of the fires were deemed to have protective properties and would be scattered among crops: which works as a fertiliser as well. Beltane is mentioned in very early Celtic Literature, particularly literature from Ireland.

Bonfire at the Beltane Fire Festival 2019, Calton Hill, Edinburgh. The reunited May Queen and Green Man face the fire, while dancers stop to raise their arms to heaven.
Bonfire at the Beltane Fire Festival 2019, Calton Hill, Edinburgh. The reunited May Queen and Green Man face the fire, while dancers stop to raise their arms to heaven. By Nyri0 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Click on image for full permissions.

Source. From CARMINA GADELICA, Ortha nan Gaidheal



Bless, O Threefold true and bountiful,
Myself, my spouse, and my children,
My tender children and their beloved mother at their head.
On the fragrant plain, on the gay mountain sheiling,
On the fragrant plain, on the gay mountain sheiling.
Everything within my dwelling or in my possession,
All kine and crops, all flocks and corn,
From Hallow Eve to Beltane Eve,
With goodly progress and gentle blessing,
From sea to sea, and every river mouth,
From wave to wave, and base of waterfall.
Be the Three Persons taking possession of all to me belonging,
Be the sure Trinity protecting me in truth;
Oh! satisfy my soul in the words of Paul,
And shield my loved ones beneath the wing of Thy glory,
Shield my loved ones beneath the wing of Thy glory.
Bless everything and every one,
Of this little household by my side;
Place the cross of Christ on us with the power of love,
Till we see the land of joy,
Till we see the land of joy.
What time the kine shall forsake the stalls,
What time the sheep shall forsake the folds,
What time the goats shall ascend to the mount of mist,
May the tending of the Triune follow them,
May the tending of the Triune follow them.
Thou Being who didst create me at the beginning,
Listen and attend me as I bend the knee to Thee,
Morning and evening as is becoming in me,
In Thine own presence, O God of life,
In Thine own presence, O God of life.

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