Civil Rights Acts

Civil Rights Acts.

President JOhnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965

President Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965

President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 60’s led to a number of new laws being introduced in America. These laws gradually provided Americans with more equal oportunities and granted minority groups rights which they had previously been denied. They altered migration laws; stopped segregation; extended the right to vote and introduced legislation designed to ensure equal rights in the workplace, at school and in general. Some of the Civil Rights legislation was the result of the Civil Rights campaigns. Other pieces of legislation were introduced because there was a political will to implement the changes. The links below provide detailed accounts of the relevant Civil Rights acts of the period.


History Learning Site – Civil Rights Act 1957

History Learning Site – Civil Rights Act 1960

History Learning Site – Civil Rights Act 1964

Wikipedia – Voting Rights Act 1965

Wikipedia – 1968 Civil Rights Act

The United States c1945-1971

The Red ScareImpact of the Second World War on Civil RightsCivil Rights in 1950
Brown v Topeka Board of EducationLittle Rock High SchoolRosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Protest
Martin Luther King JnrNation of Islam and Malcolm XThe Black Panthers
Ku Klux Klan in the 1960'sMarch on WashingtonCivil Rights Acts
Immigration Act of 1965Chicano movement and Civil Rights for Hispanic AmericansCollege Sit In's and Student Protests
Women's RightsNative Americans and Civil Rights