Second World War
Second World War
The Second World War lasted from 1939 until 1945. In Europe, the war began with the German invasion of Poland. The United States were attacked at Pearl Harbor in 1941, bringing the US into the conflict. As two large alliance blocks fought, the fortunes of war went initially in favour of the axis powers and Japan. The tide of war gradually changed though. Battles in Africa, the Soviet Union, the Pacific Islands and at sea paved the way for the final stages of war. In Europe this saw Germany fighting on several fronts as the Allies landed in Normandy and Italy whilst the Soviet Army drove the Wehrmacht back. In Asia, Japanese forces were pushed back to the mainland and the final victory sealed in the days following the use of atomic weapons.
D Day Decision Making Activity
Causes of the Second World War
How well prepared for war was Germany in 1939?
How well prepared for war was Poland in 1939?
How well prepared for war was Britain in 1939?
How well prepared was the Soviet Union for war in 1939?
How well prepared for war was France in 1939?
Statistical analysis of Europe’s readiness for war in 1939
Documents and Personal Histories of the Second World War
Battle of the Bulge. Diary Entries Aircraft Recognition Sketches Air Raid Roles and Precautions
Dealing with wartime bereavement