
StateOfWriting’s Expert Provides Great Essay Writing Tips

Ask any student what they like least about student life, and one of the most popular answers is likely to be “essay writing”. But, for better or worse, academic success basically equals essay-writing success, so we’d better crack on and learn some of the tricks – and there’s no time like the present to learn new things! The experts of StateOfWriting have already cracked the code, and they’re happy to share some of their secrets of paper-writing success with us. Let’s take a look at six golden rules that can transform your essay from “meh” to “magnificent” overnight.

1. Understand the Prompt

Do you know what an essay prompt is? It’s a statement or question that provides a topic or issue for you to discuss in an essay. It sets the direction and focus for your writing, guiding you on what to explore and analyze in your response. It’s important to chew on the question several times before typing in order to really consider what your topic is about. To write without good purpose — say, by answering the wrong question — is like baking a cake with the wrong ingredients: sure, it might look great, but it won’t be the best. Practice breaking down the question into key points. What terms can you identify? What exactly is your instructor asking for? This is the brick upon which everything else in your essay is built. If you have difficulty with dissecting your prompt, you can get essay writing help online from StateOfWriting expert UK writers. They can break down your prompt and help you write a great paper.

2. Plan Before You Write

Jumpstarting writing without any forethought is like taking a vacation in a new city without a map. Spend some time outlining first. Think through your main points. This map will help you keep writing focused, on-task and ultimately make it better organized. Remember that brainstorming and planning your essay a little will take you a long way ahead in your writing process.

3. Craft a Strong Thesis Statement

Make your thesis statement as precise, stark, and assertive as you can. It’s your flag planted in the land of your ideas, around which the rest of your essay will gather.


  • Be Specific. To make your thesis statement clear and focused, narrow it down to a specific idea or argument.
  • Take a Stand: State your position or viewpoint on the topic, showing your readers exactly what you intend to argue or prove.
  • Supportable: Ensure your thesis is something you can back up with evidence throughout your essay. It should be debatable, with potential for discussion.
  • Concise: Keep your thesis statement brief and to the point, typically one to two sentences, so it’s easy for readers to grasp your main idea quickly.
  • Placement: Place your thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph to introduce the main idea of your essay right from the start, guiding the rest of your writing.

4. Support Your Points with Evidence

A well-known author Christopher Hitchens once said: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.” Take this to heart when writing academic papers. As you write, you’ll want to reinforce every point you make with strong evidence:


Here’s what you can use as evidence when writing your essay:


Statistics Numerical data from reliable sources that quantify your argument, adding weight and precision.
Quotes Direct citations from experts or relevant figures that align with your argument, lending credibility.
Examples Specific instances or case studies that illustrate your point clearly and practically.
Research Findings Results from studies or experiments that provide factual backing for your claims.
Anecdotes Personal stories or observations that can humanize your argument and make it relatable to the reader.


The people you’re citing should be people worth listening to, and you should identify them properly. They should also be experts in their respective fields. For example, if you are writing about Wars of the Roses, you should quote someone like Alison Weir. Good evidence makes people believe what you’re saying and shows that your work is serious and well-informed.

5. Write Clearly and Concisely

There’s often a tendency to think that the best essays will be those rich in big words and fancy phrases. That’s not entirely untrue. The idea of using overblown and labyrinthine sentences is totally wrong. Avoid sentences that go on forever. For an essay writer, clarity is key. You’re not trying to dazzle with wordiness; you’re trying to make your arguments as clear and understandable as possible.

6. Revise

First drafts of anything are rarely perfect. When you’ve written your essay, the real work begins: revising. The process of revising should take about 10% of the time you spend writing your paper, so don’t rush it. 


Here’s a quick guide on your revision process:

Read your essay again and aim for clarity and coherence. Replace awkward sentences with grammatically correct ones. Check for run-on sentences and garbled paragraphs. Look at your evidence: is it relevant to your arguments? Is everything in the right order so that your points build upon one another? Are you speculating where you shouldn’t be? More than editing for spelling and grammatical errors, revising is about bringing out the best in your ideas.

Write On

With these six tips from StateOfWriting educational experts, essay writing can be an enjoyable rather than a dreaded task. Writing takes practice and patience, just like any other skill. Be not afraid to put your thoughts down and defend them passionately. Each essay is your platform to say what you want. Enjoy the challenge. Let each essay lead you to becoming a better and more confident essay writer.

Image from unsplash

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