
How Learning About History Can Help Mold Your Future

Learning about the past is not on everyone’s list of favorite subjects. Some may think that history is an acquired taste while others insist it is a waste of time. However, learning history as a subject in school remains a crucial part of human society. After all, for civilization to progress, we must learn the past’s lessons (and warnings).

More importantly, every other discipline – from medicine to engineering – looks toward history to better understand how viruses were developed or how ancient architectural wonders were constructed.

For students looking to expand their knowledge of the world that surrounds them, history holds the key to knowing where to go and how to get there. Beyond that, the subject provides students with the experience and knowledge they need to excel in any other field. Let’s take a look at some of the ways learning history can help you grow personally and professionally:

  1. Develop moral and ethical value systems

History is filled with stories of people making bad decisions and suffering from the consequences of these decisions. It also consists of experiences that challenge people’s value systems. For instance, was President Harry S. Truman right in deciding to drop the atomic bomb in a bid to end the Second World War in the Pacific? Events such as these have been the subject of intense ethical debates, many of which are unresolved. Nonetheless, the lessons of history allow us to mold personal value systems so we can become better leaders as well as followers. Without such lessons, it would be difficult to overcome a moral dilemma as it occurs.

  1. Learn about strategies for winning

There is a lot you can learn from political and military figures in the past. Sun Tzu’s Art of War remains to be a relevant document for military success, but its contents can also be applied in all other areas of life, from managing your finances to earning a promotion at work. On the other hand, you can also learn from decisions that have had a disastrous effect on the leaders that made them. Napoleon’s attempt at invading Russia is a clear example of why we need to be cautious when aiming for a challenging goal. Historical victories and failures like these teach us the right way to plan and help us avoid potential pitfalls.

  1. Improve your analytical skills

A big part of learning history is research. You could not rely on a single source to interpret what had happened in the past, so you will need to do extensive reading on various source materials to get a more accurate picture. For this reason, history enables you to improve higher-order thinking skills.

The more you read and write about history, the more you become better at collecting, interpreting, and synthesizing ideas. This enhances your capacity for critical thinking so you can form opinions based on strong evidence gathered from multiple sources. You can use this skill when writing anything from reports to novels. It can also help you apply for higher-education programs in institutions like the American International College in Kuwait. Whether you are taking up marketing or film production, your training in history can help you thrive in your chosen field.

  1. Avoid the pitfalls of misinformation

Today, information is shared in massive volumes across multiple types of devices. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. While it provides people with convenient access to the information they need, there is still the danger of encountering false information that’s meant to serve the agenda of certain groups. In the era of fake news, it has become easier for you to fall for manufactured histories. Your best defense against falsehood is a solid foundation in history. With your training in reading and writing about history, you will be able to spot inaccurate information you find online. You can do your part in fact-checking social media posts and enlightening others.

  1. Appreciate human civilization

Apart from the technical side of history, it’s also important to focus on the emotional and creative dimensions of humanity. When you read history, you are exposed to events and moments that have changed the course of human civilization. You begin to appreciate what we have achieved and what we are capable of achieving in the future. With this, history makes you realize that you remain a part of humanity’s narrative. This encourages you to become more involved in political and social issues, especially controversial ones.


Whichever career you choose, you need to realize the value that learning history has towards it. Develop a love of history so you can develop every aspect of your life.




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