
Stalinism refers to the political methodology implemented during the rule of Joseph Stalin. Stalin was sole ruler of the USSR from 1929 until his death in 1953. Policies during his time as leader saw the Soviet Union transformed from being a peasant based society into an Industrial giant. Investment in heavy industry, Collectivisation of Agriculture and a Cult of Personality were among the main features of Stalinism in the Soviet Union. His political belief also saw the concept of Socialism in one country emerge and the enforcement of the notion that all foreign communist governments were subservient to the Soviet Union.



Russian and Soviet HistoryRussian History Homepage
Russia before the First World WarOpposition to Tsarist RuleImpact of the First World War
1917: Abdication of Tsar Nicholas IIBolshevik RevolutionLenin and the Bolshevik Revolution
Leon TrotskyBolshevik Rule 1918-1924Russian Civil War
New Economic PolicyLenin's LegacyDevelopment of Communist Rule
Life in the Soviet UnionFailure of Reform and Decline of the Communist StateStalinism
Collectivisation of Soviet AgricultureWomen in the USSRDe-Stalinisation
Khruschev's Reform ProgrammeDecline of the Soviet UnionCollapse of the Soviet Union