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8 Best Apps for Learning History

History is an interesting subject, especially for those who like to travel back in time and have a keen interest in discovering about the who, how, when and where of the events that occurred in earlier times. It’s like digging deeper into a treasure chest to find valuable details and information about the time gone by.

Guest post by Annabelle from Smiletutor (Singapore). 

Unlike math, history does not deal with numbers and complex formulas, excluding dates and timelines; you can either do self-study or ask your history tutor to help with any theoretical concepts for better understanding. There are also online applications that are a useful resource for learning the subject. Here are 8 best apps for learning history.



  • Time Tours: Uxmal


Time tours uses 3D technology to give viewers a more realistic look at historical events. It also has a then and now section where users can have a side by side look at how things were done before and modern day changes to processes.



  • History Timeline


If remembering important factual data seems tough, then this is the application for you. It has records of several years which lead back to human history along with information regarding art, philosophy, science, music and literature. The app lists times lines of important occurrences, phases and cycles and is a great learning source for students who have a hard time keeping track of historical dates



  • Back in Time


This is one of the best apps to learn about the history of the universe, life on earth and the beginning of civilization. It contains in-depth information on with references along with images and illustrations for better understanding and a lesser-known facts section.



  • Khan Academy


This wonderful app offers online courses covering a vast range of subjects including history. Students who take up a course can monitor their progress as they learn. It is also available as a desktop application for your computer and is totally free to use.



  • Today in History


Is a fun application that will update users regarding historical happenings and events that occur during every calendar day. It’s a great way to build up knowledge and may help with studies as well. The app can work offline as well.



  • Pyramids 3D


For those who have a keen interest in Egyptian archeology, civilization and history this app gives a more detailed insight of the complex architecture that took years to build. You can now view the ancient pyramids and sphinx originally located in Cairo and Gaza, Egypt, inside out and move around corridors exploring these wonders of the world. The app contains textual descriptions by renown Egyptian archeologist Dr. Zawi Hawass.



  • History: Maps of the World


This is a great app for students and teacher alike. It contains interactive maps all the way from the 4th century to the 21st allowing users to explore changes that have occurred throughout time due to different events.



  • Wikipedia


Think of almost any past or current event and Wikipedia will have a page dedicated to it. The encyclopedia giant has tons of information on almost any given historical topic with facts and details, along with proper references. With this installed on your phone, chances are you won’t need any other application.


Annabelle is part of the Content and Community team at SmileTutor, sharing valuable content to their own community and beyond.


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