The Middle Eastern Problem
Source: Modern America, John Vick, Slough: University Tutorial Press, 1985
American policy in the Middle East was to encourage stability and to exclude any influence from the Soviet Union. The United States was interested in friendly relations with the Arab world.
Source: ‘ Modern America’, John Vick, Slough: University Tutorial Press, 1985
In the post war period the Middle East, a region vital to Western economies, became
increasingly unstable. Two major factors in the turmoil were the rise of Arab
Nationalism and the controversy over the existence of the state of Israel. The latter
issue was, and continues to be, of special interest to the sizeable and influential Jewish
community in America. No politician interested in winning an election can afford to
ignore this fact.
Links: – Arab Isreali Conflict
BBC Special Reports – The Arab – Isreali conflict
Wikipedia – 1948 Arab Isreali War
Wikipedia – Isreali – Palestinian Conflict
Wikipedia – New Historians, varying interpretations of the Arab – Isreali Conflict.