History Teachers’ Resources
Schoolshistory provides history teaching resources that are tried and tested in the classroom. Produced by a number of experienced teachers they provide a range of opportunities for developing historical skills, or for providing different ways to approach a topic. With resources geared towards teachers of all levels of experience and subject expertise, there is something for everyone among our worksheets, presentations, lesson plans and activities.
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Lesson packs
Russia: The February Revolution. Bundle of activities on the February Revolution in Russia. An excellent introduction to the political tensions and turmoil that embraced Russia in 1917 and beyond.
Dealing with the Depression – Activity Pack
Created for a group following the AQA Modern World syllabus. This activity places students in one of 6 groups which represent different areas of America geographically and / or socially. Each group is provided with a brief summary of what their circumstances are prior to the Wall Street Crash. Groups need to think fast and work out how best they would respond to a variety of changes that occur. This allows a range of different results of the Crash to be identified and shows that the impact was not only varied in terms of severity but also that the timescale of ‘Depression’ may have differed from group to group.
Resources for teaching British and Irish history
Causes of the Peasants Revolt – Activity Pack
A collection of resources that assess the causes of the Peasants Revolt in a variety of ways. By looking at sequencing, classification, significance and sources this pack provides a breadth of understanding into the complex causes of the Peasants Revolt. The activities can be used individually or combined to form a detailed study. Living graph and washing line type active learning sessions can be completed based on the contents of some of the activities, or they can be used as individual pupil resources.
Impact of the Industrial Revolution – ms word file
This activity was designed for my more able students in Year 9 a few years ago.
Students are placed into 6 groups. Each group receives a brief description of who they are and what their interests are. They have to consider the developments that happen over a period of around 100 years and explain the consequences of these and the likely reaction to these events by people whom they’ve been asked to empathise with.
I’ve run the activity in two ways. First say in groups acting as political pressure groups trying to persuade the council (me) to make changes best suited to their interests. The developments are given to groups at irregular intervals so that they have to think quickly and focus their discussions.
The second method was to ask several students to stand as a local MP. They were canvassing the opinions of the electorate – and things changed during this process.
This resource formed the basis of an article in Teaching History.
Conscription in the First World War – Worksheet, Differentiated 3 ways
The impact of Conscription and the reasons for it’s introduction are sometimes hard for learners to grasp. Here we break down the issue of Conscription into a one lesson, off the shelf, resource. The worksheet is differentiated to three levels. The resource is simple enough to be left as a cover lesson but also provides scope for a subject specialist to extend learning.
Home Rule for Ireland, The Easter Rising, Partition, Civil Rights and The Troubles.
Easter Rising, 1916 – Worksheet
Consequences of the Easter Rising – Worksheet
Partition of Ireland – Worksheet
Bloody Sunday, 1972 – Presentation
Murals in Northern Ireland – Source Analysis
Series of resources covering Anglo-Irish relations and post partition and independence troubles. Each of the resources can be used as a standalone resource. Though these are history teachers resources they include everything that a non specialist would need to deliver a lesson.
Medicine through time history teachers resources
The Great Plague – Source based investigation
This exercise uses contemporary materials to analyse Plague deaths and the beliefs that contemporary records suggest people held at the time.
The fight against infectious disease – information sheets and activities
This lesson pack provides reference material aimed at middle ability 1-9 GCSE students along with a series of activities. It covers a range of medical breakthroughs. Ideal as an overview of the topic or for revision purposes.
Public Health Through The Ages – Active Learning Exercise
Written by myself and Adam Henson and hosted on thinkinghistory.co.uk. This activity harnesses the space in the classroom to create a living graph of the highs and lows of Public Health. What led to downward trends? Is there a pattern? All of the required resources are available via the link above. Teaching Tips: Active Learning

GCSE History Germany resources
The Hyperinflation Crisis in Germany – Active Learning Exercise
Another active learning activity hosted on thinkinghistory.co.uk. Here mathematics is combined with the physical act of trying to get to the shops on time. Whilst not an entirely realistic outcome will result, it shows students just how quickly the German currency devalued. Teaching Tips: Active Learning
History teachers resources are being developed for a wide range of GCSE and KS3 content areas. They range from simple starter activities through to large active learning sessions that place learners in a wide variety of roles.
GCSE History revision – Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
GCSE History revision – Life in Nazi Germany
Revision aids designed to focus notemaking. Can be used over a sequence of lessons to create an aide memoire; used in intervention sessions to ensure that core content is learnt or used by students when condenscing notes as part of a revision programme.