Teaching Resources on the British Empire

Teaching the British Empire can be difficult. There are controversial topics such as Slavery to tackle. Areas such as the consequences of Empire that resonate to this day are included. The rise of extremist views at home and abroad around nationalism may also impact on the challenges faced. Plus, it is such a huge area to try and teach. Resources on the teaching of the British Empire can address a range of issues, along with more conventional ones such as the Rise and Fall, Consequences and impact on daily life. 

Teaching Resources on the British Empire

The National Archives: The Rise of the British Empire. Gallery based activities.

The National Archives: Living in the British Empire. Gallery based activities.

The National Archives: The End of Empire. Gallery based activities.

The British EmpireMaking of the United KingdomEconomic Consequences of the British EmpireHow did the Empire affect Great Britain?Society changes: Political Thought and the British EmpireQuestions about the British EmpireBritish Empire Teaching Resources

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