Weird things the Nazi’s Did
Weird things the Nazi’s did. Hitler and his Nazi henchmen are well known for the horrific actions of the Holocaust and other atrocities. They are often less well known for some of their wackier or weirder ideas, that often backfired or contradicted their own stance on certain issues.
With many people finding Nazism and its impact particularly difficult to comprehend, it was quite refreshing to stumble upon this post. In it, on the We are the Mighty website, a series of Weird ideas that the Nazi’s had – and often implemented – are explored. Some, such as the policy on Degenrate Art and Lebensborn programme, are well known.
However it’s not so much the content of the page that grabbed me. It is, of course, of interest to me but it was the way it was written that really got me thinking. It isn’t academic. It isn’t filled with source material. It isn’t backed up left, right and centre with specific dates, places and names. In many ways it the antithesis of what I’d want to show to a student. So why link to it? Simple, the writing style. It’s written in a way that many students, I’m thinking bored boys, would appreciate. It pokes fun at the stupidity of the policies whilst remaining true to the facts.