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The Importance of Preparing For College

The Importance of Preparing For College

For the recent high school graduates, joining college marks a major transition. It means making a major decision without the parent’s input and being more independent. Joining college calls for more preparedness in balancing various obligations and rigorous academic life. Being prepared socially, psychologically, emotionally, and academically plays a major role in a student’s college success.

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Do you know that almost half of the first-year students never go back to their second college year due to their unpreparedness to handle the workload? Being prepared for college early enough, even if it’s by getting college consultants, is crucial in joining a good college. It also helps to enjoy the college experience and gain success.

Here are some benefits of college preparedness;

Financial preparedness

College admission is expensive. Students with inadequate funding to take care of all costs end up dropping due to financial constraints. Students who do not have parental support or have inadequate savings spend much time worrying instead of studying. When students understand their financial status early enough, they will be prepared in advance to find part-time job so they can take care of their bills or apply for scholarship.

Management skills

Students with good management skills work more effectively with less stress during their college life. Students who engage the best college consultants and also take part in solid extra-curricular activities in high school, present impressive resumes when applying for college.  Such students show strong character and demonstrate leadership and communication skills, which increases their chances of admission.

Discipline and maturity

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Time management is vital in college. Your tutor will not pursue you if you fail to do your assignment or fail to attend classes. Irrespective of how social you are if you lack self-discipline to handle your work, college life will be challenging. College life calls for more maturity and independence to make good choices. Preparing earlier enough how to manage demands of academic and social life and how to handle peer pressure can mean the difference between struggling and excelling.

Prevent dropping out

The rate of college students dropping out is very high. Preparedness plays a significant role in deciding to drop out. According to research by Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process published in 2011, students who struggle with poor grades during their first year never show up for their second year. Even if they won’t drop out, they struggle with stress and low grades and find it challenging to make new friends.

Emotional maturity

Whether you will stay on campus, take online courses or commute, college demands high levels of maturity, perseverance, and confidence. You must be emotionally prepared to handle a busy schedule. Having a part-time job, doing assignments, and taking part in extra-curricular activities all call for emotional preparedness and maturity.

Social preparation

There is more to college than just academic life. You encounter different people from all walks of life with a diverse perspective from yours. Being socially prepared will help you engage with those with different opinions from yours, and you will enjoy social success. You will also find it easier to handle conflicts with your roommate when they occur, especially if living on campus.

Take college prep classes

For a smooth transition, its advisable to take college prep classes. Many students make the mistake of viewing college as a continuation of high school, forgetting that they need to prepare early. Almost all high schools have college preparatory programs with the best college consultants designed to help students develop habits and gain college success skills. And don’t forget to use study apps for college students.

For students who prepare early, going through college becomes a realistic goal that is within their reach. Preparedness helps in many intangible ways extending beyond earning a degree and getting a promising career. It helps student build character, develop new relationships, acquire the love of learning, and generally help them live a healthier, happier life. Students, parents, and tutors should work as a team to ensure attending college becomes a reality.

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